Please be aware that I do not do replicas of other bakers’ designs. I make every effort to make each order unique to the customer. If you send me an example photo from another baker, I will use it as inspiration, but I’ll put my own creative spin on it, within the guidelines of your requests.
If you’re uncomfortable with allowing me creative freedom, please do not send me an order request.
Cookie pricing:
Order minimum for custom cookies is 1 dozen (12). One theme per order.
Simple-Moderate Package:
Starts at $80 per dozen (12) for regular-sized (3-4 inch) decorated cookies with 2-4 colors, 1-3 shapes, light airbrushing, simple wording, and simple-moderate details.
Detailed Package:
Starts at $90 per dozen for regular-sized (3-4 inch) decorated cookies with 4+ colors and 1-5 shapes. Includes things like logos, hand-painted/metallic details, intricate florals, lace, and elaborate designs.
Macaron pricing:
Order minimum for macarons is 1 dozen. 1 flavor/color per dozen.
Unflavored macaron shells with buttercream or chocolate ganache: $30/dozen
Specialty macaron flavors: $36/dozen
Assorted macaron flavors. Macarons are sold by the dozen, with 1 flavor/color per dozen.
Buttercream Cakes & Cupcakes
Please note that I do not do fondant-covered cakes, sculpted or character cakes. I can do very basic fondant accents, but I’m not heavily experienced in fondant work.
If your party has a licensed theme, I can purchase licensed toys or cake toppers to place on the cake.
Standard cakes are 1-tier, with 3-4 layers of cake, 1 cake flavor and 1 buttercream flavor.
Additional details such as fresh florals, chocolate drip, cake toppers, licensed toys/Decopacs, or small fondant details will incur extra charges.
4” round (tall): starts at $65 for white frosting and no decorations. Price goes up with additional colors and details. 4 layers. Serves 4-8, depending on cake slices.
Tall 6” round - starts at $135 (base price). Price goes up with additional colors and details. Serves approx. 20, depending on the size of the slices.
8" round - starts at $185 (base price). Price goes up with additional colors and details. Serves approx 25-30.
Small two-tiered cakes (6” and 4”, about 25-35 servings) start at $200.
Larger two-tiered cakes (6” and 8”, about 50 servings) start at $275. Price goes up with additional colors and details.
Custom Decorated Cupcakes
$45 per dozen for standard sized decorated cupcakes with a 2 dozen (24) minimum. Includes colored icing and sprinkles. Toppers and handmade decorations will incur extra charges.
Standard-sized floral cupcakes are $6 each. They can be ordered by the dozen ($72 per dozen) or added to a standard order.
$45 for 2 dozen mini decorated cupcakes with a 2 dozen minimum. Mini floral cupcakes are $2.50 each.
Plainly-decorated buttercream cupcakes (no custom decorations or colors added) start at $36 per dozen.
Additional requests such as rice paper sails, licensed toppers, strawberries, etc will incur additional charges.